Celebrate the Temporary by Clyde Reid
Celebrate the temporary
Don't wait until tomorrow
Live today
Celebrate the simple things
Enjoy the butterfly
Embrace the snow
Run with the ocean
Delight in the trees
Or a single lonely flower
Go barefoot in the wet grass
Don't wait
Until all the problems are solved
Or all the bills are paid
You will wait forever
Eternity will come and go
And you
Will still be waiting
Live in the now
With all its problems and its agonies
With its joy
And its pain
Celebrate your pain
Your despair
Your anger
It means you're alive
Look closer
Breathe deeper
Stand taller
Stop grieving the past
There is joy and beauty
It is temporary
Here now and gone
So celebrate it
While you can
Celebrate the temporary
Keep checkin in...keep asking yourself what is happening inside in this moment? Observe...WHAT DO YOU WANT? Focus your sprouting energy on what you want to cultivate this Spring....THE BLOSOM LIES IN THE SEED...and it's all temporary right? So embrace it all....the good, the bad and the ugly and ALLOW!
Namaste Sweet Ones