Happy Valentines Day Dear Ones
How can we lean into love more? I am always working on beginning again, to what is right before me, to pause long enough to allow my heart to take the lead and to find beauty even when there appears to be none.
I am calling it “unlearning”…sometimes you have to unlearn to learn.
AND it’s really challenging sometimes to lean into love more…and sometimes life is confusing and we need to unlearn.
SO….here we go again, the mask mandate in Stamford will be lifted as of 2/16/22. It’s up to each individual to do the right thing and take personal responsibility to keep each other safe. Masks will be optional at Harmony Yoga Studio. I do believe masks will be enforced in the building so you will need to wear your masks into the studio and onto your mat. Then it is your personal preference if you want to remove them. The windows will be open, air purification system on and we will still keep a safe distance between the mat. And breath by breath we will proceed…
Breath by Breath
Life proceeds breath by breath. Deep, full and easy, shallow or uneven, breathing is the key to cultivating peace.
Breath by breath, choose to stay present. It isn’t success you are seeking, but surrender to the flow of energy.
It’s not control that matters, but letting go, allowing life exactly as it is this moment to touch and change and breathe through you.
~ Danna Faulds
Lean into Love,