"Pitta resides over all metabolic and transformative processes in the mind, body and spirit. It is akin to the principle of tapas~self discipline, from the sanskrit verb "tap" which means "to burn". The traditional interpretation is "fiery discipline" ~ a burning enthusiasm; a striving toward goals; any intention that burns away the obstacles to knowing the true self/universal nature; the inner gold originally hidden from view"Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers, Alana Greenberg . We are in the Season of Pitta according to Ayurvedic Principles...Agni(the fire) provides energy for the body to function, regulates heat and aids in digestion. Is your Pitta Balanced? Come to class and learn how to balance your energies of willpower, motivation and determination. Five Elements Yoga Retreat IS happening September 7-9 at Stillwaterspond.com Using the Five Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space we will explore what serves to keep us grounded and feeling safe, flowing not stuck, manifesting our dreams, trusting the heart and allowing the Universe to work out the details. Early Bird Special $550 all included till 8/1/18. ONLY 5 spots left. Contact Carol Shwidock harmonyogastudio@gmail.com BEGINNERS MEDITATION WORKSHOP Sunday July 8th 4-5pm Come learn the basics in how to meditate...we will explore various techniques so you can play with what is comfortable for you to find the quiet space inside...even if only for a moment! CLASSES THIS WEEK TUES ONGOING BEGINNERS YOGA 7PM WED NO CLASSES CELEBRATE YOUR INDEPENDENCE THURS ALL LEVELS MODERATE YOGA 830AM FRIDAY BEACH YOGA 730AM SATURDAY ALL LEVELS MODERATE YOGA 8AM SUNDAY BEGINNERS MEDITATION WORKSHOP 4-5PM NEXT RESTORATIVE YOGA WORKSHOP SUNDAY JULY 22ND 4-6PM FIRST FREE HERBAL TASTING BY ANASTASIA...taste teas to balance you KIRTAN follows Restorative 615-730pm Stay Balanced and Hydrated with love Carol
New Beginnings New Month and the Season of Pitta
Updated: Apr 9, 2023