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energy?! what does this word conjure up for you?


Energy...I've been asking students this week...what does Energy mean to you?

Some examples,....vitality, fuel, positive umph, excited, grounded, flowing,..

AND yes, Energy can go up and go down...,In Chinese Medicine Energy is vibration, frequency, color, sound....and it's the Qi or life force energy circulating in the body. To me, it's the breath...the breath IS our Life Force we know it's the first thing that happens and the it's last...Energy is essential. sometimes we have too much, sometimes not enough, but it's always present, just waiting for us to shake it up!

We have some great energy workshops coming up at Harmony in the next few weeks from Shamanic Channeling with private 20 min readings with Eve Kerwin, The White Buffalo Woman, to Harmonizing your Energy with Crystals & Dancing with your Chakras to Igniting your Inner Fire and 5 Elements Mindful Movements in The Salt Cave of Darien, Plus Sound Bath and Movements with Holly/Carol!

Email me what Energy means to you if you

Harmony needs your energy to vote by 2/29 online

Here is the poem I wrote this week after studying to be a Sound Healer...


Energy, you sparkle & shine like glitter, you are everywhere and inside of me, all at the same time

Energy, you warm me up, you cool me down, you are always moving, never stagnant.

Energy, I can feel depleted & zapped, yet in a moment I am harmonized & balanced.

Energy, dear life force, prana, shakti, Qi, breath of life

Thank you for surrounding me from the inside out & the outside in.

Energy, I breathe you in, I focus my attention where you need to go.

Energy, I bow to you. I am so grateful for your ever present light

Dear Energy


C Shwidock 2/16/24

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