Even though I really do not like that it gets dark so early now, I do love waking up with the light!
And I do love this time of year and the rituals that come about....like gathering with family and friends to give thanks...to appreciate, to accept, to admire, to allow, and to feel the aliveness of this season!
My meditation teacher Davidji says there are the 4 As of the Heart
What is your A word in your heart at this moment?
It's always great to take a moment and check in....pause, listen and BE
So, just sending a little note to say Thank You to you for BEing you.
Thank you for BEing at Harmony and for shining your light on us all!
Now go out and share your light, enjoy your holidays and hope to share the light with you at Harmony real soon and just BE...in the Adventure (my A word right now!)
Enjoy this poem by Wes Angelozzi
"Go and love someone exactly as they are
And watch how quickly they transform into the greatest, truest version of themselves.
When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one is instantly empowered!"
Big Namaste and Much Gratitude Always and in All Ways,