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It's a time for the light, even tho days are growing dark

Fall is the time in Chinese Medicine that the Lungs & Large Intestines are in high tide.

Fall is the time of the greatest transition seasonly as we see the bright colors of the trees shining their fullest energy and then slowly let go. The days are growing darker...slowly, the leaves are surrendering, slowly.

In Autumn we may feel a bit more sadness and grief, especially as the holidays start approaching. We may think of those that have passed on. We may feel the heaviness as we let go of the abundance of Summer.

AND let go we must...and we can also Let It Be....and acknowledge all of our feelings...As Louise Hay said "we gotta feel to heal" right?

After the events happening in the world this past weekend there is much to feel and much to heal. I asked myself this morning..."What can I do?" Yes I can donate, and I will. Yes I will feel all the feels, and I am. But I can also be the light bearer. I am reminded of Danna Faulds poem.

We are light bearers, stewards of a truth that insists on being shared despite doubt or fear or imagined limitation. We spread the flame by teaching, or by growing still, by daring to be outrageous and dancing beneath the full moon, or by holding a friend in need and taking part in life’s normal routines. This is our message – there is hope encoded in each cell, each loving thought, each time we reach out to one another. There’s truth that won’t be stopped by toppling buildings, snipers’ bullets, war clouds on the horizon, or the inner storms of grief, despair and insecurity. We are the peace we’ve been seeking, the peace that stretches beyond the mind’s need for form or understanding, the peace for which each human heart longs. Now is the time for the light bearers to offer up the truth of who and what we really are.

Please join me in being a Light Bearer vs someone who magnifies the darkness.

Please be kind to one another, help someone in the supermarket who can't reach the high shelves (that would be me but I climb up lol), let someone in on the highway, do an act of kindness today, everyday so we can keep the light shining.

There are many light activating offerings happening at Harmony. Many collaborations with others who also want to shine the light. Take a look/please sign up in advance so we know you are coming!

Special offering tomorrow night at The Salt Cave of Darien to promote peace...sign up and bring a friend for half price Text 203 658 7667

Sending you all my light


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