From Root to Bloom by Danna Faulds
Sap is flowing once again from root to trunk, from trunk to branch, to every
leaf and bud and blossom on the tree. The frozen days
are past Now is the season of flowering, when the full force of energy moves up and
up to manifest its destiny.
It is everything to me, this new life springing forth from
ash and compost, this chance to nurture, weed, and prune,
to patiently receive the miracle that blooms as if no force on earth can
turn aside its beauty.
I am so excited to Rise Up with all of you!
Come join us for Spring time Energy Classes
Tuesdays Beginners 6-7pm
Wed/Sat All Levels 8-9am
Soon..Beach Yoga Fridays 8-9am! Get your beach stickers!!!